grahamdale74: Our apartment inside
grahamdale74: The water outside our apartment - with fish!
grahamdale74: Takin a walk down Bahama Reef blvd
grahamdale74: Walkin the 2 miles to the beach
grahamdale74: The beach walk
grahamdale74: We are greeted by the lizard king
grahamdale74: Bahamas sea
grahamdale74: Footprints in the sand
grahamdale74: Beachy heaven
grahamdale74: Vast ocean.. and chel.
grahamdale74: Tropical foliage by the beach
grahamdale74: Coconut husk?
grahamdale74: Lush green Bahamian foliage
grahamdale74: How clear is the water?
grahamdale74: Fossils
grahamdale74: Trying to create a new forest
grahamdale74: Bahamian paths
grahamdale74: Our resident Lizard King who lives in the air con
grahamdale74: view from apartment , daytime
grahamdale74: view from apartment, night time
grahamdale74: Chilling out with an ice cream and air con
grahamdale74: Port Lucaya Straw Market
grahamdale74: Harley Parking Only
grahamdale74: Port Lucaya
grahamdale74: Peekaboo!
grahamdale74: Ocean Reef Yacht Club at night
grahamdale74: Chel waiting for Hotel Party
grahamdale74: Buffet Time! Rice and Peas!
grahamdale74: Jelly Fish outside apartment
grahamdale74: Bangin the beats