JarkyJerk: restless night before
JarkyJerk: on my way through NB!
JarkyJerk: buddy jay's hobby of lighting things on fire
JarkyJerk: cape breton ride
JarkyJerk: cabot trail slug
JarkyJerk: white point along cabot trail
JarkyJerk: more cabot trail
JarkyJerk: cabot trail some more
JarkyJerk: and then some!
JarkyJerk: whites point
JarkyJerk: before
JarkyJerk: after (nuff said)
JarkyJerk: boston aquarium!
JarkyJerk: flowertop jellyfish
JarkyJerk: it's hard to capture these
JarkyJerk: this one looks like a nebula
JarkyJerk: ewww...
JarkyJerk: cape cod/MA
JarkyJerk: provincetown harbour
JarkyJerk: p-town dunes
JarkyJerk: this is pretty dune-y
JarkyJerk: aww.
JarkyJerk: some creature's footprints
JarkyJerk: the stereotypical sunset photo
JarkyJerk: lake placid airport
JarkyJerk: if you search east of tupper lake
JarkyJerk: took a scenic tour over tupper lake
JarkyJerk: but not while taking photos
JarkyJerk: they let me pilot the plane
JarkyJerk: and it's amazing raquette river