GrahamRow: Cashew on the trail to Mt Galiano
GrahamRow: Bev, Tejas and Bibi en-route to Mt Galiano
GrahamRow: Mt Galiano picnic spot
GrahamRow: Bev at Mt Galiano
GrahamRow: On the beach at Two Aker Wood
GrahamRow: Cashew at Two Aker Wood
GrahamRow: Beach at Two Aker Wood
GrahamRow: Seaweed
GrahamRow: Cashew
GrahamRow: Osprey with catch
GrahamRow: Tejas
GrahamRow: The girls enjoying some appetizers
GrahamRow: Who me?
GrahamRow: Sea star
GrahamRow: More sea stars
GrahamRow: Mussels & barnacles
GrahamRow: At Dionisio Provincial Park
GrahamRow: At Dionisio Point
GrahamRow: Rock face at Dionisio Point
GrahamRow: Basking seals at Dionisio Point
GrahamRow: Shoreline at Dionisio Point
GrahamRow: Sunset at Two Aker Wood beach
GrahamRow: Sunset at Two Aker Wood beach
GrahamRow: Sound advice
GrahamRow: Morning Beach
GrahamRow: Geese seeing off Cashew
GrahamRow: In formation
GrahamRow: Arbutus trees at Morning Beach
GrahamRow: Shoreline near Morning Beach
GrahamRow: Ferry with Mt Baker