GrahamRow: Sunset at Port Hardy
GrahamRow: Launching at Bella Bella
GrahamRow: Long House at Bella Bella
GrahamRow: Bay at Kynumpt
GrahamRow: En route to Cecilia Island
GrahamRow: View from tent at Cecilia Island
GrahamRow: At Dallas Island
GrahamRow: Sunset at Dallas Island
GrahamRow: Sunset at Dallas Island
GrahamRow: At Dallas Island
GrahamRow: Kayak Bill's handiwork at Dallas Island
GrahamRow: At Dallas Island
GrahamRow: At Dallas Island
GrahamRow: At Dallas Island
GrahamRow: At Dallas Island
GrahamRow: Escaping the spring tide
GrahamRow: Waterfall in Mathieson Channel
GrahamRow: Heading up Mathieson Channel to Fiordland
GrahamRow: Mathieson Channel
GrahamRow: Waterfall at Lessum Creek, Kynoch Inlet
GrahamRow: Mussel Inlet, Fiordland
GrahamRow: Bob catching dinner
GrahamRow: 1st catch
GrahamRow: We'll pass on this one ;-)
GrahamRow: Supper