GrahamRow: The waiting game
GrahamRow: Have guitar will fly
GrahamRow: On approach to the Haberl Hut
GrahamRow: Jim Haberl Hut - home for the week
GrahamRow: Jackie strumming at Jim Haberl Hut
GrahamRow: Jackie on "mini-Dione" ridge with Haberl Hut behind
GrahamRow: Team ascent of "mini-Dione" with N face of Serratus behind
GrahamRow: Nancy on "mini-Dione" ridge
GrahamRow: Jackie on "mini-Dione" ridge
GrahamRow: Team ascent of "mini-Dione" on 1st day
GrahamRow: Nancy on ascent of Mt Dione
GrahamRow: Nancy on Mt Tantalus approach
GrahamRow: Nancy crossing the "randkluft" on Mt Tantalus
GrahamRow: Nancy on ascent of Mt Tantalus
GrahamRow: Mt Dione and Witches Tooth on ascent of Mt Tantalus
GrahamRow: Nancy on Mt Tantalus summit
GrahamRow: Mt Tantalus summit
GrahamRow: Witches Tooth on descent of Mt Tantalus
GrahamRow: Nancy descending Mt Dione ridge
GrahamRow: Sunset from Jim Haberl Hut
GrahamRow: Evening light on clouds over Garibaldi Park
GrahamRow: Lake Lovely Water from Serratus-Ionia col
GrahamRow: Mt Pandereus, The Red Tusk and Ionia Mt
GrahamRow: Nancy with Mt Ionia behind
GrahamRow: Jackie on N Face of Serratus
GrahamRow: Jackie and Nancy nearing top of N Face of Serratus
GrahamRow: Jackie on summit of Serratus
GrahamRow: Jackie on descent of Serratus SW face
GrahamRow: Mare's tails over Dione
GrahamRow: Nancy and Jackie with E ridge of Serratus behind