GrahamRow: Evening light on Grimface
GrahamRow: Campsite meadow
GrahamRow: Larches
GrahamRow: On the approach to Matriarch Mtn
GrahamRow: Approaching Matriarch
GrahamRow: The start of the climbing ...
GrahamRow: Jackie sizing up the initial moves on Matriarch
GrahamRow: Jackie on the 5.8 crack pitch on Matriarch
GrahamRow: Helen above the 5.8 crack pitch
GrahamRow: Grimface from the summit of Macabre Tower
GrahamRow: Grimface on traverse
GrahamRow: Jackie on aid pitch
GrahamRow: Jackie on Grimface Chimney Route
GrahamRow: Helen, Ed and Jane on traverse (can you spot them?)
GrahamRow: Helen, Ed and Jane approaching Grimface
GrahamRow: Zoom of Helen, Ed and Jane on ridge
GrahamRow: Post climb R and R at camp
GrahamRow: Grimface
GrahamRow: Evening campsite visitor
GrahamRow: Sunset sky at camp
GrahamRow: Aspens
GrahamRow: Aspens on hike out