GrahamRow: Tweedsmuir Park location
GrahamRow: Kenney Dam
GrahamRow: Cabin at Nechako Lodge
GrahamRow: Map of route
GrahamRow: Josef refuelling for the flight in
GrahamRow: Josef on the flight in
GrahamRow: Boating hazards
GrahamRow: East end of Eutsuk Lake on the flight in
GrahamRow: Sand Cabin Bay, Eutsuk Lake
GrahamRow: Josef departs after dropping us off at Surel Bay
GrahamRow: Surel Falls
GrahamRow: Surel Lake
GrahamRow: Surel Bay campsite
GrahamRow: Trail to Musclow Lake
GrahamRow: Musclow Lake
GrahamRow: Eutsuk Lake at Musclow Creek outlet
GrahamRow: Fish #1
GrahamRow: Lunch and dinner!
GrahamRow: Eutsuk Lake
GrahamRow: Eutsuk Lake en route to Sullivan Point
GrahamRow: On Eutsuk Lake
GrahamRow: On Eutsuk Lake en route to Sullivan Point
GrahamRow: Fish #3
GrahamRow: Bug armour at Sullivan Point
GrahamRow: Cabins opposite John Buchan Island
GrahamRow: Approaching Pondosy Bay
GrahamRow: Eutsuk - Pondosy Bay Stitch
GrahamRow: En route to Pondosy Bay
GrahamRow: Pondosy Bay
GrahamRow: Campsite on Pondosy Lake