GrahamRow: Breaking in to the Alpine
GrahamRow: Pausing to take in the view
GrahamRow: Mid section of NW Ridge with Mt Matier to the right
GrahamRow: View of Mts Hartzell, Spetch and Slalok
GrahamRow: Rapelling in to the notch
GrahamRow: Rapelling in to the notch
GrahamRow: View up from the notch
GrahamRow: Start of route up from the notch
GrahamRow: On the upper part of the ridge
GrahamRow: On the summit of Joffre
GrahamRow: Views from summit towards Keith's Hut and Duffey Lake
GrahamRow: View of Matier Glacier on the descent
GrahamRow: Joffre Lakes on descent
GrahamRow: The bottom of Matier glacier on descent to Joffre Lakes
GrahamRow: At Upper Joffre Lakes
GrahamRow: Melt water cascading from Matier Glacier
GrahamRow: Lots of melting on this hot day
GrahamRow: On the hike out
GrahamRow: View from Middle Joffre Lake
GrahamRow: View from Lower Joffre Lake close to parking lot