GrahamRow: S side of Athelstan from Salal Creek logging road
GrahamRow: View from bivouac
GrahamRow: Robert soloing the first pitch
GrahamRow: Top of 2nd pitch
GrahamRow: Robert starting 3rd pitch
GrahamRow: Crossing snow and choss below The Gnomon
GrahamRow: PLO style climber
GrahamRow: Robert ascending towards Randy Stoltman Tower
GrahamRow: View towards Randy Stoltman Tower
GrahamRow: Robert on pitch leading up to the ridge below RS Tower
GrahamRow: View down to The Gnomon
GrahamRow: Robert on the way up RS Tower
GrahamRow: Robert on the way up RS Tower
GrahamRow: Robert on the way up RS Tower
GrahamRow: On summit of Rany Stoltman Tower
GrahamRow: Athelstan summit plateau
GrahamRow: Robert rapelling off the summit of RS Tower
GrahamRow: Rapelling off RS Tower
GrahamRow: View looking up lower section of route
GrahamRow: Alpen glow on RS Tower
GrahamRow: Full moon over Lillooet River on drive out