GrahamRow: Don in wig-wam tent
GrahamRow: 2nd breakfast
GrahamRow: Frozen lake on approach
GrahamRow: Don on approach
GrahamRow: Lake on approach
GrahamRow: Frozen lake
GrahamRow: Don on approach
GrahamRow: Paymaster's is the banana shaped couloir in the centre
GrahamRow: The race is on
GrahamRow: Marc sprints by Jesse
GrahamRow: Jesse and Marc at top of couloir
GrahamRow: Marc on summit ridge
GrahamRow: View from summit
GrahamRow: View from summit
GrahamRow: Summit cairn and Mt Plutus
GrahamRow: Crazy Creek Mountain
GrahamRow: Don on descent
GrahamRow: On descent
GrahamRow: On descent
GrahamRow: On descent
GrahamRow: On descent
GrahamRow: On descent