GrahamRow: Hike in
GrahamRow: Gimli
GrahamRow: Goat eating the 'pee' gravel
GrahamRow: Mulvey Lakes
GrahamRow: Cool shades
GrahamRow: Mulvey Lakes
GrahamRow: Jesse takes the plunge
GrahamRow: Sprint for the ice flow
GrahamRow: Made it! Much warmer, apart from the feet.
GrahamRow: On the approach to Asgard
GrahamRow: Asgard East Ridge
GrahamRow: Drew on the ascent of Asgard
GrahamRow: Drew leading on Asgard E Ridge
GrahamRow: Jesse on ascent of Asgard
GrahamRow: Jesse on Asgard with view back to Mulvey Lakes
GrahamRow: Drew pointing out what's what
GrahamRow: View of Mulvey Lakes, Dag, Batwing, Wolf Ears etc
GrahamRow: Gimli from camp at Mulvey Lakes
GrahamRow: Breakfast is served
GrahamRow: Dag and Batwing on approach to Gladsheim
GrahamRow: Meadows on approach to Gladsheim
GrahamRow: Are you sure it goes up there?
GrahamRow: Jesse tackling pitch 1 of plan A (new?) route
GrahamRow: Drew on plan B (South East face) route
GrahamRow: Drew on Gladsheim SE face route
GrahamRow: Looking back to Drew and Mulvey Lakes from Gladsheim SE face
GrahamRow: IMG_2431
GrahamRow: IMG_2434
GrahamRow: IMG_2435
GrahamRow: IMG_2437