blue corgi:
blue corgi:
Lead Plant
blue corgi:
Silky Prairie Clover
blue corgi:
Purple Prairie Clover Flower
blue corgi:
Oak Savanna
blue corgi:
Open Savanna
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One more
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Unidentified Purple Mushrooms
blue corgi:
blue corgi:
Hydnellum concrescens
blue corgi:
Hypomyces chrysospermus
blue corgi:
All Together Now... Heave!!
blue corgi:
Running with the Wind
blue corgi:
blue corgi:
blue corgi:
Late Summer Sky
blue corgi:
Hazelnut Leaf
blue corgi:
Fall Sumac
blue corgi:
Autumn Fern
blue corgi:
Like Fireworks
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Orange Ascomycetes
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blue corgi:
Small Mushrooms
blue corgi:
blue corgi:
How Begins the Dance?
blue corgi:
An Autumnal Bokeh
blue corgi:
Longing for the Light
blue corgi:
Rough Blazing Star
blue corgi:
Sunlit Grass
blue corgi:
Fire Through the Trees