theirhistory: Extra Present or a Better Present
theirhistory: In a Children's Home Father Christmas does not always bring toys
theirhistory: Girl shows the boys what is going to happen
theirhistory: Waiting for the present
theirhistory: But, I have been good again this year Father Christmas
theirhistory: Christmas in a Children's Home - I'm told My fingers might sting for a few seconds
theirhistory: Quiet, or You'll see Father Christmas again
theirhistory: I'm not very well
theirhistory: Is it a bottle of Booze?
theirhistory: Do I swop it now
theirhistory: No Presents Left
theirhistory: What no present for me this year
theirhistory: You are in my Naughty Book
theirhistory: Have you been good enough to get a present
theirhistory: This is your present
theirhistory: The close up of the book
theirhistory: The Case of the Creeping Hand
theirhistory: We're Innocent
theirhistory: He's going to hit me, I know it
theirhistory: I'm not taking all the blame
theirhistory: The Christmas Play
theirhistory: It's Christmas in the orphanage
theirhistory: Christmas photo - Waiting for Santa
theirhistory: Christmas photo in the Home - Waiting for Father Christmas
theirhistory: Didn't Sister tell you......
theirhistory: This is play
theirhistory: The Christmas photo extra trousers
theirhistory: Dressed for Indoors Play
theirhistory: Christmas Play
theirhistory: Staff helping the party