Patricia Lucy: Cramond on Boxing Day
Patricia Lucy: FS Crathes
Patricia Lucy: Rumour has it (1)....
Patricia Lucy: Construction site
Patricia Lucy: View from Calton Hill
Patricia Lucy: Shed No 1 (and Apache II )
Patricia Lucy: Trees at Lauriston (107)
Patricia Lucy: From Outside Looking In (48)
Patricia Lucy: Nose to tail dog
Patricia Lucy: Streetlight
Patricia Lucy: Exhibition
Patricia Lucy: It's all about the light (60)
Patricia Lucy: Clock (22)
Patricia Lucy: Architectural Detail (9)
Patricia Lucy: Winter dream (101)
Patricia Lucy: Underneath the Arches
Patricia Lucy: Crossing the Tweed
Patricia Lucy: Telescopic Vision (112)
Patricia Lucy: I like bleak.
Patricia Lucy: Co-existing (23)
Patricia Lucy: Just like a holiday brochure....
Patricia Lucy: Watery sunshine
Patricia Lucy: The sky really was this colour.
Patricia Lucy: Pub theatre
Patricia Lucy: Stage Machinery (ingenious)
Patricia Lucy: Ingenious
Patricia Lucy: My friend's was more to my liking (20)
Patricia Lucy: Enchanting (38)
Patricia Lucy: Contrast