peterstringer: Middleton Beach Dogs Day Out - Dog In The Window
aycee_2000: Granite jumble
4myrrh1: Andrews 2015 My First U2
alanrharris53: Kestrel
alanrharris53: Glorious mud
dbrothier: Fitness & Vitamine
mal chatt: Krakafat Palace
SBA73: Vella bateria de 88 / Like an old Flak "acht-acht" battery
RamerP: Juvenile Shikra
possumcourt: Pink eared duck
damneardone: Thunderbird 5
possumcourt: Pair of Great Crested Grebe
aileen111: Purple Swamp Hen 3
Dendroica cerulea: Black and Yellow Mud Dauber
CampaspeBirdo: Black-necked Stork (Jabiru) 6/7/2014
CampaspeBirdo: Singing Honeyeater
BautistaNY: Pigeons Of New York
ron_n_beths pics: Angry Ant 2,I have seen these a few times but not often.
David Cook Wildlife Photography: Painted Grasshawk (Neurothemis stigmatizans)
GE fotography: Like father...
Through Gregs lenses: CATTLE EGRET (Ardea ibis) and ALPACA
henkel2009: Oyster Catcher and Whimbrel
ramarg60: Common Sandpiper.( Explored).
SAM Images: _DSC0765
Dendroica cerulea: Carolina Grasshopper
Steve Dewey: Meadow Pipit Checking Things Out
Dendroica cerulea: Brown-belted Bumble Bee (male)
Through Gregs lenses: AUSTRALASIAN GREBE (Tachybaptus novaehollandiae) NESTING