fstop186: The Beatles: The Times They Are a Changing #01/52
fstop186: Old and New Coffee machines #02/52
fstop186: Olivetti Motion
fstop186: Hibernating Hedgehog Whimsical #04/52
fstop186: Marmite and Molasses Savoury Bread #05/52
fstop186: Dramatic Blur Week 06/52
fstop186: Event Horizon #06/52 Dramatic Blur
fstop186: Sara - High Key Portrait
fstop186: Friend or Foe? Week 9 Film Noir
fstop186: Love is not love....... Wk 07/52
fstop186: 60's Memories
fstop186: Love
fstop186: Spring is Bustin' Out All Over
fstop186: "Do you know the way to St Tropez?"
fstop186: 100 years since the Cottingley Fairies