Johnh111003: Little Mermaid
Johnh111003: Little mermaid
Johnh111003: Little Mermaid
Johnh111003: Sea of Windmills
Johnh111003: Windmills in the sea
Johnh111003: Windpower
Johnh111003: Indre Osterbro
Johnh111003: Copenhagen's Sea Fortress
Johnh111003: Angel looking seawards
Johnh111003: Watching over sailors
Johnh111003: Looking East
Johnh111003: A woman and four bulls
Johnh111003: A woman and four Bulls
Johnh111003: House in Niels Hemmingsens Gade
Johnh111003: Clock tower and square
Johnh111003: St Petris Church
Johnh111003: St Petris Chucrh
Johnh111003: Pillars of learning
Johnh111003: Pillars
Johnh111003: Vor Frues Kirke
Johnh111003: Stroget
Johnh111003: Yellow and Blue
Johnh111003: Yellow and Blue
Johnh111003: The Round Tower
Johnh111003: Cobbles
Johnh111003: Rafters