Johnh111003: a lamp post
Johnh111003: Large Gate
Johnh111003: in the gutter again
Johnh111003: leafy lane from the other end
Johnh111003: water fountain
Johnh111003: daisys
Johnh111003: bridge
Johnh111003: tree through swirl
Johnh111003: close up
Johnh111003: bridge and tree
Johnh111003: it looks quite long from here
Johnh111003: I must watch where I walk
Johnh111003: algie on the ball
Johnh111003: concrete ball
Johnh111003: pathway
Johnh111003: the way back taken at the original angle
Johnh111003: the way back
Johnh111003: lots of leaves
Johnh111003: long way down
Johnh111003: on top of the railings
Johnh111003: water and chains
Johnh111003: Gulls resting
Johnh111003: basking gulls
Johnh111003: Bird Sanctuary
Johnh111003: Regent's Park Mosque
Johnh111003: boating lake
Johnh111003: boats in the middle
Johnh111003: waters edge