In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House entrance
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, left-hand shafts and capitals
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House entrance, left-hand capitals
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House entrance, right-hand shafts and capitals
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House entrance, right-hand capitals
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House vault
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, bay 6
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, first seat to left of entrance
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 1, ivy
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, bay 1
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, Bay 2
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, Bay 3
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, Bay 4
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, bay 7
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, Capital 5, maple, hawthorn above
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 3, vine, with ranunculus leaf above
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 9, rose
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 10, hop
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 11, vine
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, Capital 12, oak with acorns
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, Capital 13, Ranunculus
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, Capital 14, Hop
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, Capital 15, bryony
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 16, maple
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 17, conventional leaves
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 18. ivy
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 19, maple
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 20, vine with animal eating grapes
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 21, vine with fruit
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Southwell Minster, Chapter House, capital 22, hawthorn and shoot of hemp nettle