In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Lincoln Cathedral, sXXVIII
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Lincoln Cathedral South Transept sXXVIII.1
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Lincoln Cathedral, sXXVIII.2, Moses sacrifice for the blood of the Covenant
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Lincoln Cathedral, sXXVIII.3, Moses receiving the Law on Sinai
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Lincoln Cathedral, sXXVIII.4, Moses sprinkling the people with blood
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Lincoln Cathedral, sXXVIII.5, The High Priest entering into the Veil of the Temple
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Lincoln Cathedral, sXXVIII.5, The High Priest entering the Holy of Holies
In Memoriam: gordonplumb: Lincoln Cathedral, sXXVIII.6, Fragments including complete corner piece of border type E