In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Lincoln Cathedral, sXXIX
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Lincoln Cathedral, sXXIX.1, Composite scene
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Lincoln Cathedral, sXXIX.2, St Nicholas scene
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Lincoln Cathedral, sXXIX, 3, St John and the the philosopher Crato and his disciples
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Lincoln Cathedral, sXXIX. 4, St Nicholas Miracle, Butcher and three boys
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Lincoln Cathedral, sXXIX.5, St Nicholas & the boy with the golden cup
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Lincoln Cathedral, sXXIX.6, Two censing angels
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Lincoln Cathedral, sXXIX.6, Censing angels