In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale de Notre Dame, Bay 39, Life of St Nicholas
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Chartres, Cathédrale de Notre Dame, Bay 39, lower half of Life of St Nicholas
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Chartres, Cathédrale de Notre Dame, Bay 39, upper part of Life of St Nicholas window
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale de Notre Dame, Bay 39, panels 3-8
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panels 9-12
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panels 13-14, 21-22
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panels 23-26
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Chartres, Cathédrale de Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 8, St Nicholas refuses mother's breast
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale de Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 4, An Apothecary
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Chartres, Cathédrale de Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 5, Donor, spice seller
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Chartres, Cathédrale de Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 6, Birth of St Nicholas
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Chartres, Cathédrale de Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 7, Nicholas bathed by two servants
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 9, St Nicholas at school
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 10, St Nicholas gives gold to save three girls from prostitution
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 11, Father of three girls thanks Nicholas
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 12, St Nicholas chosen as future bishop
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 13, Woman greets procession of St Nicholas while her son is in a bath heated by a fire
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 14, Consecration of Nicholas as bishop
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 15, St Nicholas speaks to two men (in panel 16)
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 16, Two men carry grain from a ship
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 17, St Nicholas speaks to three men
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 18, Two men carry sacks of grain on their shoulders
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 19, Three young people welcomed by innkeeper carrying an axe
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 20, Assisted by his wife the innkeeper kills the three young people
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 22, At his shrine Nicholas restores the boy, with the cup, to his parents
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 21, Boy falls overboard holding a cup vowed by his father to St Nicholas. In the water a devil holding a hook
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 23, Jew lends money to a Christian in front of an image of St Nicholas
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Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 24, In front of an image of St Nicholas Christian gives Jew hollow staff containing coins and swears he has given him back money borrowed
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 25, The Christian borrower is run over by a cart and the coins spill out of the broken staff
In Memoriam: gordonplumb:
Chartres, Cathédrale Notre Dame, Bay 39, panel 26, A Jew who has entrusted his goods to the protection of St Nicholas beats image of saint after burglary