fyrrylikka: A colourful morning .....
fyrrylikka: What a day and evening it was ..... rain - wind - white caps - power outage - no flickring!
fyrrylikka: Budding .........
fyrrylikka: Large families are in the vogue again!
fyrrylikka: Peek a boo
fyrrylikka: The blossoms are gone .....
fyrrylikka: High wire act for feathery Friday
fyrrylikka: The bugs - they just love the roses....
fyrrylikka: So happy with friends! HBW
fyrrylikka: Aurinkoista Juhannusta kaikille!
fyrrylikka: Can you see that furry ball and gleaming eye behind the branches?
fyrrylikka: Slinking down from the rock on the shore
fyrrylikka: Golden sunshine!
fyrrylikka: Imperfection reigns supreme
fyrrylikka: Another brilliant crimson sun and rays ...
fyrrylikka: Alone and so blue!
fyrrylikka: The Flower Moon ....
fyrrylikka: A bow but no curtsy bokeh! HBW!
fyrrylikka: Canada Day Parade 2010
fyrrylikka: Just a blowin' in the wind!
fyrrylikka: A Happy Independence Day to all my American Flickr Friends!
fyrrylikka: The USA was also represented in our Canada Day Boat Parade.
fyrrylikka: Even some loonies joined our Canada Day Boat Parade!
fyrrylikka: This is how things looked at 5:00 a.m.on Canada Day.
fyrrylikka: .Missing some teeth .....
fyrrylikka: Sometimes it is just so hard to tell the difference.
fyrrylikka: Alone in the jungle .......
fyrrylikka: Stranger in my garden!
fyrrylikka: Orange u glad ........
fyrrylikka: In the shadows .....