petethepunk1: Nagoya Trains 2
petethepunk1: Nagoya Trains 3
petethepunk1: Nagoya Trains 1
petethepunk1: From Train
petethepunk1: 200302081514172_1
petethepunk1: Kwan Yin overlooks the tracks.
petethepunk1: DarkStation
petethepunk1: FromTrain
petethepunk1: FujiGokoDriveAmusementArea83
petethepunk1: View From Shinkansen Station
petethepunk1: Shinkansen3
petethepunk1: ShinkansenStation
petethepunk1: Shinkansen2
petethepunk1: Shinkansen1
petethepunk1: TrainStationExterior
petethepunk1: NumazuVariousTrainYard1
petethepunk1: Numazu Various Train Yard 2
petethepunk1: IMG_0017
petethepunk1: 1951-10-FAM-JPN-TRA-Rail Transport - Yamate Line, entering Sugamo, Tokyo. We could walk from this station to Maruyama Cho.
petethepunk1: 1954-10-CHU-JPN-FRN-Satoru Kishii, good friend & helper in the Mission. He and Norman Olson were asked to make a survey of the Shibakawa area.
petethepunk1: Shopping Center designed to resemble Japanese train tracks