snappy chappy:
razor sharp
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mystery door
snappy chappy:
evening sun
snappy chappy:
stripes & ripples
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denk mal
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doorway diagonals
snappy chappy:
stakes n ladders
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retraced steps
snappy chappy:
messberg yellow
snappy chappy:
three's a crowd ...
snappy chappy:
Flying saucers on a stick
snappy chappy:
mid-afternoon, st. pauli
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snappy chappy:
where will it all end?
snappy chappy:
snappy chappy:
ferris sky
snappy chappy:
colour blind
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no parking
snappy chappy:
Am I dreaming?
snappy chappy:
copper colossus
snappy chappy:
the hard sell
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they don't make signs like they used to
snappy chappy:
another day in paradise?
snappy chappy:
surveillance nation
snappy chappy:
Out with the old, in with the new ...
snappy chappy:
easy rider