Gerg1967: Frosty Fall
Gerg1967: Creek 1
Gerg1967: Creek 2
Gerg1967: Creek 3
Gerg1967: Creek Opposite Side
Gerg1967: Frosty Guardrail 1
Gerg1967: Frosty Guardrail 2
Gerg1967: Life and Decay
Gerg1967: Creek 4
Gerg1967: Creek 5
Gerg1967: Creek Reflections
Gerg1967: Frosty Guardrail 3
Gerg1967: Guardrail View of Creek
Gerg1967: Stone Mountain and Lake
Gerg1967: Falling Behind
Gerg1967: Fall Fence from Phone
Gerg1967: Fall Mountain
Gerg1967: Fall Flowers
Gerg1967: Brights and Browns
Gerg1967: More Frosty Fall
Gerg1967: Still More Frosty Fall