yamahagarn: New Belfast
yamahagarn: Soft Light, Still Lagan
yamahagarn: Lights on the Lagan
yamahagarn: Belfast at Dawn
yamahagarn: The view from the bridge
yamahagarn: Vision in Gray
yamahagarn: Misty Vicky
yamahagarn: December sky
yamahagarn: Reflections on a bank holiday
yamahagarn: The finished project
yamahagarn: Happy New Year
yamahagarn: Old and New
yamahagarn: Laganside
yamahagarn: Reflection and Shadow
yamahagarn: Reflections of industry
yamahagarn: Connswater
yamahagarn: Godwits
yamahagarn: Take off
yamahagarn: Goliath reflections
yamahagarn: Coscoroba swan
yamahagarn: River Lagan like a mirror
yamahagarn: Reflections on the Lagan
yamahagarn: Shadow of the Heron
yamahagarn: Reflection of the Assassin
yamahagarn: Customs House
yamahagarn: Lagan weir
yamahagarn: River Lagan
yamahagarn: River Lagan
yamahagarn: Connswater reflections
yamahagarn: Which way's up?