schajie: The World Clock at Alexanderplatz
schajie: The Reichstag
schajie: From the inside
schajie: Brandenburger Tor
schajie: Holocaust Memorial
schajie: Again
schajie: Checkpoint Charlie
schajie: The former border
schajie: in the U-bahn
schajie: At the Bundesgartenschau
schajie: Partner City Gardens
schajie: I was surprised to see Ft. Wayne represented.
schajie: Gabi, Gabi's mom, and Renate
schajie: The State of Thuringia
schajie: These blue sheep where everywhere.
schajie: more sheep
schajie: Foxglove
schajie: I love orchids
schajie: Broken Ceramic
schajie: Trabis
schajie: Goethe and Schiller
schajie: Either Goethe or Schiller's house.
schajie: Schiller's house?
schajie: Sandy