schajie: Hummer limo
schajie: A win for Ferrari
schajie: Posing with her adoring fans
schajie: Celebrating Schumi's win
schajie: A win for Ferrari
schajie: Prepping the victory flag
schajie: Fans from Lituania
schajie: Lituanian Fans
schajie: Schumi
schajie: Jumbotron
schajie: Lots of Ferrari fans
schajie: Our bleacher neighbors
schajie: Kaputt
schajie: Carnage
schajie: Fans still angry about last year
schajie: Carnage from Turn 1
schajie: Schumi and Massa
schajie: Schumi and Massa
schajie: Wreck at Start
schajie: Matt
schajie: Turn 1-3
schajie: Finally finding our seats
schajie: Still waiting for the race
schajie: Waiting for the race
schajie: Ferrari girl, Kevin, and the redesigned cooler
schajie: Basking in the 90 degree weather
schajie: Claus at the campsite-pre race
schajie: Ferrari Girl
schajie: What was I thinking?
schajie: Dinner at Mikado's