jjrestrepoa (busy):
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Polilla / Moth
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Polilla medioluto / B&W moth
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Florecita silvestre solitaria / Solitary wild flower
jjrestrepoa (busy):
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 21: Polilla cafe / Brown moth
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 15: Pasiflora silvestre / Wild passion flower (Passiflora bicuspidata)
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 14: Polilla / Moth
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 8: Flor en flor / Flower in flower
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 6: Robledales y niebla / Oak trees and fog
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 3: polilla café / Brown moth
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 18: Ericaceae
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 20: Unas sencillas margaritas silvestre / Humble wild daisies
jjrestrepoa (busy):
paramo de Santurban 19: Orquidea silvestre/ Wild orchid
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo Santurban 17: Flores silvestres / Wildflowers (Castilleja sp.)
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 16: Flor silvestre / Wildflower
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 13: Fabacea (Lupinus sp. ?)
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Páramo de Santurban 12: Flores silvestres / Wild flowers
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 11: Otra passifloraceae / Another passion flower (Passiflora mixta)
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 9: Abeja en flor / Bee in flower
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 7: Vista de la parte más alta del paramo / View of the highest part of the paramo
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 10: Vista del paramo y Ericacea / View of the mountains and an Ericaceae
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 4: Passiflora mixta? Passiflora tripartita var. mollisima?
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 5: Flor/ Flower de Melastomataceae (Tibouchina grossa)
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 2: orquídea silvestre / wild orchid (Telipogon nervosus)
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 1: Digitalis purpurea
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Paramo de Santurban 20
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Amastus sp.
jjrestrepoa (busy):
A traves de la reja / Through the fence
jjrestrepoa (busy):
polilla / moth