jjrestrepoa (busy):
rosa rojo carmesí con gotas de lluvia / deep red rose with rain droplets
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Azalea / Rhododendrum
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Mariposa sobre Bidens sp / Butterfly on Bidens sp.
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anturio blanco / white anthurium
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Erythrina edulis
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botón de sietecueros mexicano / bud of a Melastomaceae
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Christmas / Navidad
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Abeja Verde / green bee
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Guayacán rosado / pink Tabebuia
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Flor de Inírida /Inirida´s flower
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flor de curazao o buganvilla
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rosa con bicho/rose with bug
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Achira / Canna coccinea
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arbol de caucho
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flor morada / violet flower (Fabaceae)
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interrogación por helecho / question mark by fern
jjrestrepoa (busy):
flor roja de Ericaceae silvestre / wild red flower of Ericaceae
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"maraca" / Zingiberaceae
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pequeña rosa / small rose
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¡Ya casi es navidad! / It is almost Christmas!
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El ciclo de la vida / Life's cycle
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Orchid US Botanic Garden, Washington D.C.
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Listas para volar
jjrestrepoa (busy):
Flor de cactus / Cactus flower
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mini rosa variegada / variegated mini rose
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