Ludo B.: unknown...
Ludo B.: waitress
Ludo B.: too complicated
Ludo B.: waitress
Ludo B.: taki
Ludo B.: tea is good for you
Ludo B.: tea cup
Ludo B.: eating is cheating
Ludo B.: biere et agitation
Ludo B.: my name is edamamé
Ludo B.: lost in translation
Ludo B.: my new flat in his room
Ludo B.: my new flat
Ludo B.: Sendai // The river
Ludo B.: Sendai // baby window
Ludo B.: Sendai // I should get a taxi
Ludo B.: Sendai // Complexity
Ludo B.: Sendai // along the river, on the way to school
Ludo B.: Definitely not understoud
Ludo B.: ...le chef de meute
Ludo B.: ...jusqu'à la nuit tombée...
Ludo B.: Le taxi est une espece qui chasse en groupe...
Ludo B.: Cheese
Ludo B.: Street Catch, position n°251
Ludo B.: Street Catch, position n°149
Ludo B.: Street Catch, position n°23
Ludo B.: Un power ranger en chair et en os
Ludo B.: portrait
Ludo B.: Telling (wonderfull) Stories
Ludo B.: to drink, drank, drunk