RusticKitchen: Pink crabapple
RusticKitchen: Dexter on the fence
RusticKitchen: My woodchuck named Jeff
RusticKitchen: Daffodils
RusticKitchen: Viburnum?
RusticKitchen: Viburnum?
RusticKitchen: Chive blossoms May 09
RusticKitchen: Lily of the valley
RusticKitchen: Brideswreath spirea
RusticKitchen: Name that plant
RusticKitchen: Lilacs May 09
RusticKitchen: Lilacs in May 09
RusticKitchen: White lilac
RusticKitchen: Adirondacks and fire pit at dusk
RusticKitchen: Michigan morel
RusticKitchen: Lily July 08
RusticKitchen: Janine's pink lily
RusticKitchen: Sugar maple, Pinecone Meadow Farm
RusticKitchen: Red cone on the spruce
RusticKitchen: Maple trees
RusticKitchen: Peony bud
RusticKitchen: Peony bud
RusticKitchen: Peonies and ants go together
RusticKitchen: Strawberry red all the way through