llamahama!!: we could build this shit(and when i say shit i don't mean shit)
llamahama!!: look at how awesome this place is!!
llamahama!!: stupid sun
llamahama!!: sweepy.
llamahama!!: i could also live in that big old farm house with all the llamas!!
llamahama!!: majestic!!
llamahama!!: buddies!!
llamahama!!: best animal!!
llamahama!!: DSCN5115
llamahama!!: i could live in this cabin.
llamahama!!: you are getting your hooves wet mr. cow
llamahama!!: nature=purty
llamahama!!: wow a tree
llamahama!!: not the exact same picture
llamahama!!: bike trip!!
llamahama!!: also moo!!
llamahama!!: i just want to touch you