llamahama!!: overlooking san frannie
llamahama!!: DSCN4596
llamahama!!: sober times
llamahama!!: definitely
llamahama!!: craigers and danny featuring turtle shirt
llamahama!!: morgan!
llamahama!!: hanging out with harry from harry and the hendersons
llamahama!!: michelle and jeska in oakland
llamahama!!: this picture rules
llamahama!!: john paul in pjs
llamahama!!: justin
llamahama!!: chitels in oakland
llamahama!!: again with the craig
llamahama!!: i think that is a nate ass featuring sunburn line
llamahama!!: that looks like megan pants head!
llamahama!!: DSCN4642
llamahama!!: san pedro seafood!
llamahama!!: this place is right next to an aquarium store!
llamahama!!: darlin' marlin'
llamahama!!: 4th street house porchin'
llamahama!!: wow we're cool.
llamahama!!: ca-nucks!
llamahama!!: stafresh!
llamahama!!: ridn' drty!(interesting point: ray also has this tatooed on his ankle, oh boy)
llamahama!!: deeeeeez nuuttzzz!
llamahama!!: the squirrel should have been in the last picture
llamahama!!: lowbrau!
llamahama!!: you know, like salmon
llamahama!!: carBENdale!