Ron Buening: Full Abandon
Anei Ionut Visuals: 1st of December
Martin Bärtges: Raindrops in the evening sun
g.cordel: Gueule-de-loup
susanpride49: Redheads matches
Niels J. Buus Madsen: The autumn colors give one an inner peace
Niels J. Buus Madsen: A gray and frozen start to the day
Don Briggs: La Push Beach 2, Selfie
marylee.agnew: Cardinal Magic
WestEndFoto: Butterfly
DaveSPN: Resting
Rini.vH: Last tomato
Martin Bärtges: Red, orange and yellow
mclcbooks: Anemone
michael.veltman: Stay In Your Lane
wjpostma: Bosknobbeldaas
Rini.vH: go your own way, we stay
CC Camerawork: IMG_0989
Thor Hakonsen: Dendroaspis jamesoni kaimosae
@5imonapol: 23112
Emmanuelle2Aime2Ailes: Aspiration à l'évasion
jhtguksnaps: Twice as lucky - CT
Ron Buening: Cloudless Sulfur and Firebush
Markus Branse: Anglersee
Martin Bärtges: The little Glass marbles and their reflections in the mirror - My entry for todayxs "Crazy Tuesday" theme "SOMETHING REFLECTING IN A MIRROR"
Diggerthedog99: The light that shines within
@5imonapol: 06112