zxious: Frozen Barbed Wire
zxious: farm building(sheds)and house.
zxious: aggriculture trailer
zxious: A400M.
zxious: A400M
zxious: A400M
zxious: A400M
zxious: Autumn is here.
zxious: barti
zxious: fire grass
zxious: Penamen falls
zxious: Road sign
zxious: ty hen, old house.
zxious: veiw down cwm
zxious: snowdon with firstfall of snow
zxious: Nant Francon in November.
zxious: frosty morning
zxious: Robin
zxious: Nice veiw
zxious: Spin dry.
zxious: IMG_0418
zxious: Three Toads Mating front left side of female.
zxious: Three Toads Mating Front view of female
zxious: Three Toads Mating Rear of Female
zxious: Detail Leyland Southdown Cub