Craig Hannah: Chew Valley panorama with a smattering of snow on-top
Craig Hannah: The Plough over Alderman Rocks
Craig Hannah: Dull day at Dovestones Reservoir
Craig Hannah: Dovestones with Alderman in the background
Craig Hannah: Dovestones Edge and Quarry
Craig Hannah: Overflow to Dovestones Reservoir
Craig Hannah: Dovestones Reservoir and Aldermans' Rocks
Craig Hannah: The overflow at Dovestones Reservoir
Craig Hannah: Dovestone Reservoir overflow
Craig Hannah: Within the overflow at Dovestones Reservoir
Craig Hannah: Contemplation (fag break)
Craig Hannah: The bell-mouth overflow
Craig Hannah: Overflow at Dovestones Reservoir
Craig Hannah: Overflow
Craig Hannah: Lone tree
Craig Hannah: Last light
Craig Hannah: Ashway Water Chute
Craig Hannah: Stars over Dovestones Reservoir
Craig Hannah: Dovestones Reservoir
Craig Hannah: Dovestones bellmouth at night
Craig Hannah: Dovestones
Craig Hannah: Dovestones bellmouth overflow (41)
Craig Hannah: Dovestones Reservoir, before the crowds (107)
Craig Hannah: Rescue boats (175)
Craig Hannah: Dovestones Reservoir
Craig Hannah: Ashway Water Chute, often slid down, but as for an ascent?
Craig Hannah: Ice axes and a non-frozen Ashway Water Chute
Craig Hannah: Dovestones Reservoir (181)
Craig Hannah: Chew Brook (199)
Craig Hannah: The rock (243)