Nate the Mate: Snow blowing across my path
Nate the Mate: Approaching car on a winter day
Nate the Mate: Ice tracks on a road
Nate the Mate: Daymark 3 at Lexington Marina Entrance
Nate the Mate: Daymark #3 at Lexington Marina
Nate the Mate: Try my luck at fishing
Nate the Mate: Lonely fishing shanty
Nate the Mate: Modern Windmill and Old farm house
Nate the Mate: Windmills along a snow prairie
Nate the Mate: Modern Windmill and Old farm house-2
Nate the Mate: Horses watching me on a cold winter day!
Nate the Mate: Giant Windmills
Nate the Mate: Winterland in Panorama mode
Nate the Mate: Frozen Shore
Nate the Mate: Icebergs
Nate the Mate: Floating Ice
Nate the Mate: Gold among the Snow!
Nate the Mate: Calm Waters
Nate the Mate: Legs being formed
Nate the Mate: Ice and Snow covered path
Nate the Mate: Ice formations on the water
Nate the Mate: Snow, Ice and Water
Nate the Mate: Icy Shoreline
Nate the Mate: Calm Waters II
Nate the Mate: Lexington Marina in Winter
Nate the Mate: FOUND-Cinderella's Glass Slipper
Nate the Mate: Artistic in February
Nate the Mate: Glittering Winter Wonderland