Lee Hew-Son:
Temple on the way to Mrauk U
Lee Hew-Son:
Temple on the way to Mrauk U
Lee Hew-Son:
Temple on the way to Mrauk U
Lee Hew-Son:
On the way to Mrauk U
Lee Hew-Son:
Mrauk U
Lee Hew-Son:
Mrauk U
Lee Hew-Son:
Mrauk U
Lee Hew-Son:
Shwetaung Paya (Golden Hill)
Lee Hew-Son:
Shwetaung Paya (Golden Hill)
Lee Hew-Son:
Shwetaung Paya (Golden Hill)
Lee Hew-Son:
Shwetaung Paya (Golden Hill)
Lee Hew-Son:
Shwetaung Paya (Golden Hill)
Lee Hew-Son:
Shwetaung Paya (Golden Hill)
Lee Hew-Son:
Shwetaung Paya (Golden Hill)
Lee Hew-Son:
Shwetaung Paya (Golden Hill)
Lee Hew-Son:
Mrauk U
Lee Hew-Son:
Mongkhong Shwedu, AD 1629
Lee Hew-Son:
Mongkhong Shwedu, AD 1629
Lee Hew-Son:
Mongkhong Shwedu, AD 1629
Lee Hew-Son:
a small pagoda opposite Koe-Thaung
Lee Hew-Son:
a small pagoda opposite Koe-Thaung
Lee Hew-Son:
a small pagoda opposite Koe-Thaung
Lee Hew-Son:
Koe-Taung (Temple of 90,000 Buddha images)
Lee Hew-Son:
Koe-Taung (Temple of 90,000 Buddha images)
Lee Hew-Son:
Koe-Taung (Temple of 90,000 Buddha images)
Lee Hew-Son:
Koe-Taung (Temple of 90,000 Buddha images)
Lee Hew-Son:
Koe-Taung (Temple of 90,000 Buddha images)
Lee Hew-Son:
Koe-Taung (Temple of 90,000 Buddha images)
Lee Hew-Son:
Andaw Thein Ordination Hall and Temple (Tooth Temple)
Lee Hew-Son:
Htukkanthein Temple (Cross-Beam Ordination Hall).