John Elias Photography: Osprey with fish and grass
John Elias Photography: Osprey Launch
John Elias Photography: Osprey with filet-o-fish
John Elias Photography: Osprey...he doesn't look friendly
John Elias Photography: Osprey 2 for 1
John Elias Photography: Osprey..shake it off
John Elias Photography: Osprey with Seatrout
John Elias Photography: Osprey on a mission
John Elias Photography: Osprey Stretch
John Elias Photography: Osprey fast food
John Elias Photography: Osprey with fish and grass number 2
John Elias Photography: Osprey piercing stare
John Elias Photography: Osprey with fresh fish
John Elias Photography: Osprey with fresh fish 2
John Elias Photography: Osprey fly-by
John Elias Photography: Osprey with lunch
John Elias Photography: Fight for life
John Elias Photography: Fight for life 2
John Elias Photography: Osprey shake...with fish
John Elias Photography: Osprey Launch
John Elias Photography: Osprey Landing...tippy toes
John Elias Photography: Osprey landing on another
John Elias Photography: Osprey Washing Up
John Elias Photography: Osprey Landing
John Elias Photography: Osprey banking right
John Elias Photography: Osprey Target Acquired
John Elias Photography: Osprey "I am Beautiful"