J. A. Clark: Eastbounds in the morning are always nice while waiting for the Bessemer
J. A. Clark: Conneaut Harbor
J. A. Clark: Making their double along the creek
J. A. Clark: Well lit EMD's over 'n under
J. A. Clark: Damn trains scarin' all my fish!
J. A. Clark: Its a long way down!
J. A. Clark: Field Shot take two
J. A. Clark: Finally did the field shot in nice light
J. A. Clark: If these kids don't grow up to be railfans... Then they're doing it wrong.
J. A. Clark: Lined for the alternate route
J. A. Clark: Lined for the Conneaut Branch
J. A. Clark: I wonder what commodity this railroad hauls?
J. A. Clark: About as nice as CE gets
J. A. Clark: Springtime in Keepville
J. A. Clark: Making some noise through Dicksonburg
J. A. Clark: About to duck under Harmonsburg Rd
J. A. Clark: Taking the High Line
J. A. Clark: Best shot I've ever taken on the High Line
J. A. Clark: Mill Street
J. A. Clark: Browntown Rd Overpass
J. A. Clark: Along Route 8
J. A. Clark: Coming south past the B&P Shops
J. A. Clark: On the fill at Frazier Mill
J. A. Clark: Russellton Signal Bridge
J. A. Clark: Passing Frazier Mill
J. A. Clark: Random 901 Running Hammerhead
J. A. Clark: You're doing it wrong
J. A. Clark: Light power, though you'd never know it
J. A. Clark: SW Signal Case at Sherwin
J. A. Clark: Two Tunnels and a Hopper