shottwokill: Mt St Helens - Explore
shottwokill: Pals - Explore
shottwokill: Humming Bird - Explore
shottwokill: Iridescence from flash - Explore
shottwokill: Putting on the brakes to hover - Explore
shottwokill: Black hummer (Purple-throated Carib (Eulampis jugularis) ) - Explore
shottwokill: Destiny Shopping - Explore
shottwokill: on the move - Crop request - Explore
shottwokill: My newest couple hundred friends - Explore
shottwokill: Memorial Day - Explore
shottwokill: SunSet - Explore
shottwokill: Great Blue Heron from above - Explore
shottwokill: kaneohe bay - Explore
shottwokill: Llama (Dolly ?) - Explore
shottwokill: Pool shot - Explored
shottwokill: Night cap - Explored
shottwokill: Butterfly_3 - Explored
shottwokill: Neck and Neck - Explored
shottwokill: evil clown - Explored
shottwokill: Autumn in Alexandria - Explored
shottwokill: Gull - Explored
shottwokill: Cobra - Explore
shottwokill: Not Pumpkins - Explored
shottwokill: Becareful where you fall asleep. - Explored
shottwokill: Evening in the forest - Explored
shottwokill: Flamingo Sleeping 2 - Explored
shottwokill: Nash Rambler Hood Ornament - Explored
shottwokill: Good Morning Catalina - Explored
shottwokill: Another Day Another Airport - 17_ Explored
shottwokill: Squirrel - Explored