gravychun: there was a lot of this.
gravychun: evacuee
gravychun: lauren will not attempt the fence
gravychun: sally stands over kelson's bike
gravychun: some band wants a picture
gravychun: scientific comparison
gravychun: best fan ever
gravychun: titus andronicus makes a believer
gravychun: pew view
gravychun: she sings a wavves song she's heard a lot lately
gravychun: san francisco hello
gravychun: austin farewell
gravychun: no sleeping at the airport
gravychun: fedex by the N I-35
gravychun: diebold thinks on a topic
gravychun: ms. bea's daytime shows
gravychun: bags
gravychun: typical 2 seconds
gravychun: 2 hours of sleep
gravychun: shortly after this she meets yoni
gravychun: rug burns
gravychun: nothing is right here
gravychun: katherine of the fields
gravychun: kelson imitates
gravychun: i don't understand this
gravychun: hey kelson, lemme ride yr bike
gravychun: hey kelson, lemme ride yr bike
gravychun: hey kelson, lemme ride yr bike
gravychun: something to this
gravychun: this is normally my pose for watching babies take their first steps in public parks