antefixus21: Masonic Gold Keystone
antefixus21: West Toronto Masonic Temple stained glass exterior
antefixus21: West Toronto Masonic Temple stained glass interior
antefixus21: R.W.Bro. Jimmy Bell's York Rite Jewel case. He was a 33rd. degree Scottish Rite Mason and a Royal Arch Mason in Sarnia, Ontario.
antefixus21: Masonic Key stone masonry in Guadalajara
antefixus21: Architectural decoration in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico
antefixus21: Royal Arch Masons of Canada Square and Compasses adorning a hallway of Robertson Lodge 292 Aurora, Ontario
antefixus21: Halifax Masonic tombstone
antefixus21: Beautiful brickwork on Toronto Fire Station 311
antefixus21: old brick work highlighting a decorative key stone
antefixus21: An old metal gate - Masonic Square & Compasses, Rosettes and a Keystone ?
antefixus21: Mexico (1023)
antefixus21: Mexico (1012)
antefixus21: Initiation of Bro. Tom Baxter at Oakville Masonic Lodge (3)
antefixus21: University Lodge No. 496 - 100 Years Rededication Ceremony (50)
antefixus21: Copper Door at Black Creek Pioneer Village - Tinsmith Shop (33)
antefixus21: John holding a copper University Lodge No 496 Centennial Masonic lantern door which he and Lisa are preparing for final assembly
antefixus21: University Lodge No. 496 - 100 Years Rededication Ceremony (49)
antefixus21: University Lodge No. 496 Centennial Lantern (6) with description
antefixus21: University Lodge No. 496 - 100 Years Rededication Ceremony (53)
antefixus21: Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario West Museum - Toronto (7)
antefixus21: Newmarket Masonic Temple (7)
antefixus21: Home sweet home - Barrie (15)
antefixus21: An old brass coal scuttle with a decorative owl and 'natura, naturans'. Translation: (nature naturing) This was for sale at the Barrie Antiques Centre
antefixus21: Bro. Paul Tuz's front door (2)
antefixus21: Bro. Paul Tuz's front door with a decorative keystone, Toronto Ontario (1)
antefixus21: Xxx 1K - 16 Silas Hoadley of Plymouth Conn. - Masonic Tall Clock Face at The Heritage Lodge in Black Creek Pioneer Village
antefixus21: Masonic Lantern body waiting for completion at the tinsmith's shop at Black Creek Pioneer Village Toronto Ontario Canada
antefixus21: The Old City of Jerusalem Israel
antefixus21: The Old City of Jerusalem Israel