antefixus21: Masonic Tombstone - Bro. Paul John Tuz CM, CStJ., CD Oct 20, 1929 to June 16, 2012
antefixus21: Paul John Tuz CM, CStJ, CD fondly remembered. Paul's friendship and generosity changed my life in a very postive way.
antefixus21: Bro. Paul Tuz
antefixus21: Bro. Paul Tuz at University Lodge No. 496 Toronto
antefixus21: University Lodge No 496 - 2010 Ladies Night at the Lambton Golf and Country Club
antefixus21: University Lodge No 496 Summer Social at the Badke Country Retreat
antefixus21: Xxx 50 24 University Lodge No. 496 - 100 Years Rededication Ceremony (2)
antefixus21: University Lodge No. 496 - 100 Years Rededication Ceremony (14)
antefixus21: University Lodge No. 496 - 100 Years Rededication Ceremony (6)
antefixus21: University Lodge No. 496 - 100 Years Rededication Ceremony (9)
antefixus21: University Lodge No 496 2010 Ladies Night at the Lambton Golf and Country Club (18)
antefixus21: Celia Lebre visits Ottawa (132)
antefixus21: The Shy Mason surfaces again, this time in the company of Bro. Paul Tuz
antefixus21: University Lodge No 496 Toronto 2009 Ladies Night (44)
antefixus21: University Lodge 496 Brethren enjoying a moment after lodge
antefixus21: University Night 2008 - University Lodge 496 Toronto ON (3)
antefixus21: Paul Tuz's niece Sabine visits from Austria. I can only guess at her lifestyle as her hair must be a hint. She wasn't sharing to say the least.
antefixus21: Dr. Bill Burgman & Paul Tuz C.M
antefixus21: Patty & Paul Tuz at Mexican Day of the Dead celebration at El Jacalito Toronto Ontario
antefixus21: Oren Kraus and Bro. Paul Tuz at Ladies Night - University Lodge 496 Toronto ON Can (38)
antefixus21: Oren Kraus congratulated by Bro. Paul Tuz at Ladies Night - University Lodge 496 Toronto ON Can (37)
antefixus21: Bro. Mark Khani, Bro. Paul Tuz, R.W.Bro. Balfour Le Gresley and W.Bro. Mark Stoiko of University Lodge 496 at Ladies Night Dinner
antefixus21: W.Bro. Stuart Pomphrey presents Bro. Paul Tuz with an honourary (non-Masonic) Certificate of The Masonic Saddled Goat
antefixus21: Bro. David Binns and Bro. Paul Tuz enjoying refreshments at Installation of W.Bro. Philip Eng at University Lodge 496
antefixus21: Bro. Howard Crosner, Bro. Paul Tuz and W.Bro. Mark Stoiko pose for posterity at University Night
antefixus21: W.Bro. John Logan, W.Bro. Barry Adams, Bro. Bruce David Redekop newly passed and Bro. Paul Tuz
antefixus21: Bro. Mark Khani, Bro. Paul Tuz, R.W.Bro. Balfour Le Gresley and W.Bro. Mark Stoiko at University Lodge 496 Ladies Night Dinner
antefixus21: University Lodge 496 Summer social at the Badke retreat
antefixus21: Saddled Goat to honour Bro. Paul Tuz
antefixus21: Bro. Paul Tuz C.M. and Bro. Bill Burgman in the 2nd. Floor VIP Room prior to a Canadian citizenship ceremony at CIC 55 St Clair Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario