pilipo: principessa
pilipo: roppongi axis bldg
pilipo: roppongi axis bldg
pilipo: ginko
pilipo: Kaguya hime exhibition. Roppongi from january 15 to february 15
pilipo: amici
pilipo: preview. illustration for Timbuktu Magazine - " The night issue"
pilipo: preview. illustration for Timbuktu Magazine - " The night issue"
pilipo: preview. illustration for Timbuktu Magazine - " The night issue"
pilipo: in attesa di niente
pilipo: pavone
pilipo: pinguino
pilipo: tutti
pilipo: orso
pilipo: gufo
pilipo: gatto
pilipo: man
pilipo: t-shirt
pilipo: before the exhibition
pilipo: eco bag
pilipo: before the exhibition
pilipo: new silk screen from Osaka
pilipo: new silk screen from Osaka
pilipo: silk screen post card
pilipo: kunitachi20
pilipo: kunitachi exibithion
pilipo: work shop with ginko and momji leaves
pilipo: kunitachi29