jgmdoran: Horizontally impacted, carious LL8, eliciting decay in the LL7
jgmdoran: Post-exodontia Swelling & bruising
jgmdoran: Bruising from extraction of teeth 2
jgmdoran: Bruising from extraction of teeth 1
jgmdoran: UL3 bonded, Upper Anterior Occlusal View 2
jgmdoran: UL3 bonded, OPG
jgmdoran: Orthodontic Bracket & Chain
jgmdoran: Expose & Bonded Upper Left Canine, side view
jgmdoran: db1q
jgmdoran: Expose & Bonded Upper Left Canine, front view
jgmdoran: IMG_2338
jgmdoran: IMG_2335
jgmdoran: IMG_2336
jgmdoran: IMG_2337
jgmdoran: IMG_2334
jgmdoran: IMG_2333
jgmdoran: IMG_2332
jgmdoran: IMG_2331
jgmdoran: Periapical area - granuloma
jgmdoran: Probable cyst R angle of mandible_1
jgmdoran: dentigerous cyst & associated wisdom tooth
jgmdoran: Closure of Oro-Antral Communication with a Buccal Fat Pad 2
jgmdoran: Closure of Oro-Antral Communication with a Buccal Fat Pad 5
jgmdoran: Closure of Oro-Antral Communication with a Buccal Fat Pad 4
jgmdoran: Closure of Oro-Antral Communication with a Buccal Fat Pad 3
jgmdoran: Operculum
jgmdoran: Sialolith closeup
jgmdoran: Diagram showing the relationship of the Parotid Gland & the branches of the Facial Nerve
jgmdoran: Probable cyst R angle of mandible, detail
jgmdoran: Retained Root in Antrum detail