Parkite: Another neighbourhood cat
Parkite: Another new neighbour
Parkite: Hello neighbour
Parkite: There's a pigeon up in this tree
Parkite: Daisy says...Hello neighbour have you come to let me in
Parkite: Daisy says... If I roll about and show my fluffy tummy,will you let me in my house?
Parkite: Daisy says Please, Please let me in my house.
Parkite: Daisy says, after all that rolling about,you still wouldn't let me in my house, so I'll stick my tongue out
Parkite: Kissy showing her gorgeous tummy.
Parkite: Bailey next door neighbour's cat
Parkite: Bailey a great soft ball of fur.
Parkite: Daisy...When is my Mum coming home ?
Parkite: Lucky watching
Parkite: Kissy Cat
Parkite: Lucky
Parkite: In memory of Alfie
Parkite: Seppy
Parkite: Seppy acting cute
Parkite: Lara
Parkite: Lara ( my niece's cat)
Parkite: Neighbour's cat
Parkite: Oscar, a neighbour's cat.
Parkite: Oscar watching Pigeons
Parkite: Oscar on Pigeon watch
Parkite: Oscar staring another cat out
Parkite: Stray cat, Funchal Madeira
Parkite: Asleep in the shade
Parkite: Daisy, my neighbours cat
Parkite: Oscar keeping his eye on a neighborhood cat.
Parkite: Daisy