Dean T.: Start of the climb up Mt Philp
Dean T.: Distant views of Glen Rock
Dean T.: Valleys of Glen Rock
Dean T.: Views on the climb up Mt Philp
Dean T.: Views on the climb up Mt Philp
Dean T.: Views on the climb up Mt Philp
Dean T.: Views on the climb up Mt Philp
Dean T.: Glen Rock and beyond
Dean T.: Spear lilies among the dry eucalypt
Dean T.: Grass trees near the summit of Mt Philp
Dean T.: Glen Rock
Dean T.: Abundance of grass trees on Mt Philp
Dean T.: Views of the route ahead
Dean T.: Red Rock
Dean T.: Dry Creek Valley and Red Rock
Dean T.: So many grass trees
Dean T.: Hundreds of grass trees
Dean T.: A giant spear lily in flower
Dean T.: Red Rock
Dean T.: The big climb ahead
Dean T.: Blackfellow Creek Valley
Dean T.: Climbing up the steep ridge
Dean T.: Wall of spear lilies and grass trees
Dean T.: Above the rocky chute
Dean T.: Mt Philp and the Blackfellow Creek Valley
Dean T.: More great views
Dean T.: Looking back to Red Rock
Dean T.: So clear today you can see all the way to the Gold Coast!
Dean T.: More views of the Blackfellow Creek Valley
Dean T.: Spear lilies, grass trees and eucalypts